
Responding to users who performed a data transfer without using a KONAMI ID

For users who changed to a device that runs a different OS or who deleted the app and cannot restore their account (user ID), we must perform an identity check before we can respond to such inquiries.

Precautions - If a user provides incomplete or incorrect information, it may not be possible to verify their identity to determine which account is theirs. - We can only respond to inquiries made by the user who created the account in question. - When investigating an inquiry, a proof of purchase receipt can be submitted as a means of identity verification. (This only applies to users with a transaction history.) If this applies to you, please attach a screenshot of your receipt to a separate email and send it to us. - Investigations may take up to several weeks to complete. - We cannot comment on the progress of individual investigations. - Investigations cannot be reopened. - In order to improve the level of our customer service, surveys may sometimes be sent out. In order to receive one of these surveys, please ensure your email settings are such that you can accept correspondence from the '@faq.konami.com' and domains. - We send e-mails for the purpose of responding to individual customers. Please refrain from forwarding or using responses for other purposes.